PERFS: One: Nov 5 7pm BB, BR, SB, TD, SW, CBR,
CGBKR $400 adm - $80 EF - TR $800 adm - $80 EF -
Total $3,600.
HQ INFO: Books Open Mon Nov 1 10am CST
Books Close Mon Nov 1 3pm CST
Phone: 205-372-3182
Permits, locals, and youth cards accepted
Indoor arena
LOCATION: Southern Pines Ag Center 575 Southern
Pines Rd.
Slack After perf
Stalls/RV available
STK CONT: Double Creek Rodeo Co.
PERFS: Two: Nov 5-6 8pm BB, BR, SB, TD, CBR, TR,
CGBKR $400 adm - $50 EF - Total $2,800.
HQ INFO: Books Open Mon Nov 1 6pm EST
Books Close Mon Nov 1 9pm EST
Phone: 865-933-8588
Permits, locals, and youth cards accepted
Indoor arena
LOCATION: 276 Patton Lane Roane State Expo
STK CONT: Spur'n S Rodeo
PERFS: Three: Nov 5-6 7pm Nov 7 2pm BB, BR, SB,
TD, SW, CBR, CGBKR $1,000 adm - $150 EF - TR
$2,000 adm - $150 EF - Total $9,000. - 10 SCF
HQ INFO: Books Open Wed Oct 20 8am CST
Books Close Wed Oct 20 5pm CST
Phone: 815-592-9804
CALL BACKS: October 21 6pm-10pm
Permits, locals, and youth cards accepted-CES
Indoor arena
LOCATION: Gordyville Arena 2205 CR 3000 N
Gifford, IL 61847
Top10 in each event will be taken from standings
as of 10/01/2020 - 09/30/2021.
- 3 goes & an Average-
Money won will COUNTS towards 2021 IPRA World
Ticket Info: 815-342-3777
Buckles to event winners
STK CONT: Latting Rodeo Productions
PERFS: Two: Nov 6 7:30pm Nov 7 2:30pm BB, SB
$1,000 adm - $86 EF - BR $1,000 adm - $61 EF -
TD, SW, CBR, CGBKR $500 adm - $85 EF - TR $500
adm - $80 EF - Total $5,500.
HQ INFO: Books Open Mon Nov 1 9am CST
Books Close Mon Nov 1 3pm CST
Phone: 770-548-2358
Permits, locals, and youth cards accepted
LOCATION: 1035 Cody Rd North
Team Roping Enter twice
slack After Perf
STK CONT: Premier Rodeo
PERFS: Two: Nov 12-13 7:30pm BB, BR, SB, TD,
CBR, TR, CGBKR $500 adm - $50 EF - Total $3,500.
HQ INFO: Books Open Mon Nov 8 6pm EST
Books Close Mon Nov 8 9pm EST
Phone: 865-933-8588
Permits, locals, and youth cards accepted-CES
LOCATION: Walters State Expo Center - Great
Smoky Mountain 1615 Pavilion Dr
STK CONT: Spur'n S Rodeo
PERFS: Two: Nov 19-20 8pm BB, BR, SB, TD, SW,
CBR, TR, CGBKR $500 adm - $50 EF - Total $4,000.
- 10 SCF
HQ INFO: Books Open Mon Nov 15 8am CST
Books Close Mon Nov 15 5pm CST
Phone: 337-427-6336
Permits, locals, and youth cards accepted-CES
Indoor arena
LOCATION: T. Ed Garrison Livestock Arena 1101
West Queen St.
Internet Entries: Monday November 15 @ 8am - 4pm
- CST - www.rodeosportsnetwork.com
No local minors in the roughstock events unless
they have an IPRA card
STK CONT: Ken Treadway Rodeo Company,LLC
PERFS: Two: Nov 26-27 7:30pm BB, BR, SB $1,000
adm - $150 EF - TD, SW, CBR, CGBKR $1,000 adm -
$250 EF - TR $2,000 adm - $250 EF - Total
$9,000. - 10 each go round SCF
HQ INFO: Books Open Mon Nov 15 8am CST
Books Close Mon Nov 15 5pm CST
Phone: 918-931-0052
CALL BACKS: Thursday 9am-12 Noon
Permits, locals, and youth cards accepted-All
events draw for perf. Indoor arena
20 contestants in each event based on Southern
Region Tour Standings. If spots remain they will
be filled with card holders on a first come
first serve basis In the Timed Events Friday will be a draw 10 in
the performance the other 10 will be in the
slack following. Bottom ten will run Saturday at
12pm with the Top 10 going during the
performance at 7:30pm on saturday.
2 Head - 20 Contestants per event
Competion will be 2 Goes & Average (no short go
round).Payoff will be as followed: (Based on number of
6 or less contestants: Pays 2 Places 60% - 40%
7-11 Contestants: Pays 3 places 50%- 30% - 20%
12 or More Contestants: Pays 4 Places 40% - 30%
- 20% - 10%
Designated Slack Time: Sat, Nov 27 12pm
STK CONT: TK Pro Rodeo Co.