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2025 Proposed Rules

October 3, 2024

Submitted by Nicole Helm

Walk up & Replace New Rule Proposal

Rodeo committees and stock contractors will have the option for the walk up and replacement rule at their rodeos . 

Any notified turnouts or releases prior to two hours before the rodeo starts are eligible for replacement.

Cardholder contestant will have replacement priority over a permit or local contestant. Contestants who already have a draw position in the Rodeo are not allowed to Turnout & replace their position. 

Contestants who wish to physically walk up and desire replacement. Must check in with the Rodeo secretary no less than two hours prior to the start of the rodeo. If multiple contestants walk up to replace, a random draw will be done by the rodeo judges to determine who will fill the replacement position(s) available. 

All accepted contestants for walk up and replacement will pay their entry fee at time they are approved to enter. 

If rule is approved: 

All events will replace in the draw position that is being filled


All Barrel racing replacements will be at the end of the draw. If there are multiple replacements they will draw for ground position and placed at end of original draw. 

All other events will be placed at beginning of draw and if there are multiple replacements will draw for position and placed at beginning of original draw. 

If rule is approved : 

A $20 walk up and replacement fee will be included and added to the pot for that event.

If rule is approved: 

If a committee or stock contractor chooses to have their rodeo be a walk up and replace rodeo this approval will be posted as such on the IPRA rodeo website listing so contestants are officially notified it is approved 


Submitted by: Tom Miller

All team roping and bull dogging cattle must be branded with the year. “Example 2024”   Then only roped for 2 years no exceptions. 

$50 fine per head per infraction. 


Submitted by: Cassie Chapman

Reads: Must add minimum of $100 added money per event to be accepted.

Change to: Must add a minimum of $500 added money per event to be accepted.


Page 25, Rule 12

Submitted by: Dale Yerigan

Change to read: All rodeos will have the option of making the team roping enter once or enter twice regardless of added money. When team roping is enter once there will be an additional $20 variance on entry fees at the option of rodeo management.


Page 28, Rule 26:

Submitted by: Cassie Chapman

Reads: Make all entry fee scales a variance of $20 from minimum to maximum. Example $50 minimum - $70 maximum, $70 minimum- $90 maximum, $80 minimum-$100. maximum, etc. When Team Roping is enter once there will be another $20.00 higher variance on entry fees. The following scale will be used in determining entry fees, in accordance with added money per event: $500 or less $50 minimum - $70 maximum - entry fee per man per event. $501- $999, $60 minimum - $80 maximum entry fee per man, per event; $1000-$1200, $70 minimum $90 maximum entry fee per man, per event; $1201-$1500, $80 minimum $100 maximum entry fee per man per event, $1501- $2000, $90 minimum $110 maximum entry fee per man, per event. $2001 or more $100 min. $120 maximum or board can set max. Entry fee is per man unless approved by the Executive Committee. Permission must be granted by the Executive Committee for any deviation 29 in the entry fee schedule. If 2 go-round rodeo is adding $999 or less the maximum entry fee will be doubled. If $1,000 or more is added in 2 go around rodeo the entry fee will be $170 per man per event unless special approval is given by executive director.

Change To: Page 28, Rule 26: Make all entry fee scales a variance of $20 from minimum to maximum. Example $60 minimum - $80 maximum, $80 minimum- $100 maximum, $90 minimum-$110. maximum, etc. When Team Roping is enter once there will be another $20.00 higher variance on entry fees. The following scale will be used in determining entry fees, in accordance with added money per event: $500 or less $80 minimum - $100 maximum - entry fee per man per event. $501- $999, $90 minimum - $110 maximum entry fee per man, per event; $1000-$1200, $100 minimum $120 maximum entry fee per man, per event; $1201-$1500, $110 minimum $130 maximum entry fee per man per event, $1501- $2000, $120 minimum $140 maximum entry fee per man, per event. $2001 or more $130 min. $150 maximum or board can set max. Entry fee is per man unless approved by the Executive Committee. Permission must be granted by the Executive Committee for any deviation 29 in the entry fee schedule. If 2 go-round rodeo is adding $999 or less the maximum entry fee will be doubled. If $1,000 or more is added in 2 go around rodeo the entry fee will be $190 per man per event unless special approval is given by executive director. 

Page 84, Rule #9 Drawing of livestock/Page 104, Rule#1

Submitted by: Dale Yerigan

Drawing of Livestock, Page 84, Rule #9 and Judging Methods/Timed Events, Page 104, Rule #1, 

Change second sentence to read: If an event has less than (12) twelve contestant in every performance including the slack after the performance or designated slack, stock contractor may furnish (1) one animal for each contestant entered in the largest performance including the slack after that performance or designated slack plus one extra.

 Example (If a two performance rodeo has 7 steer wrestlers in the first performance and 5 steer wrestlers in the second performance they can furnish 8 steers for the draw, 7+1=8)


Page 88, Rule 1/B

Submitted by: Michael Gully

Change to: Steer Wrestling and Tie Down Roping Only

1-4 pays 1place 100%

5-10 pays 2 places 60-40%

11-16 pays 3 places 50-30-20%

17-25 pays 4 places 40-30-20-10%

26-40 pays 5 places 30-25-20-15-10%

41-70 pays 6 places 29-24-19-14-9-5%

71 and over pays 8 places 23-20-17-14-11-8-5-2%

If rule passes take Tie-Down out of rule B on page 90.


Submitted by: Tom Miller

Steer Wrestling Only


1-4 pays 1 place (100%) 

5-10 pays 2 places (60-40%) 

11-16 pays 3 places (50-30- 20%) 

17-25 pays 4 places (40-30- 20-10%) 

26-40 pays 5 places (30-25- 20-15-10%) 

41-70 pays 6 places (29-24- 19-14-9-5%) 

71 & over pays 8 places (23- 20-17-14-11-8-5-2%) 

Change to:
Steer Wrestling and Team Roping Only 

1-4 pays 1 place (100%) 

5-10 pays 2 places (60-40%) 

11-16 pays 3 places (50-30- 20%)

 17-25 pays 4 places (40-30- 20-10%) 

26-40 pays 5 places (30-25- 20-15-10%) 

41-70 pays 6 places (29-24- 19-14-9-5%)

71 & over pays 8 places (23- 20-17-14-11-8-5-2%) 


If Rule Passes take Team Roping out of Rule B on pg. 90.


Page 89, Rule 

Submitted by: Kody Rhinehart

In saddle bronc and bareback bronc riding when there are six (6) or less contestants, two

(2) monies will be paid, divided 60%-40%, until first place exceeds one Thousand dollars ($1,000), then three (3) monies will be paid, divided 50%-30%-20%. When there are seven

(7) through eleven (11) contestants, three (3) monies will be paid, divided 50%-30% 20%, until first place exceeds One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), then four (4) monies will be paid, divided 40%-30%- 20%-10%.When there are twelve (12) or more contestants, four (4) monies will be paid, divided 40%-30%-20%-10% ‚until first place exceeds Two Thousand Dollars, (2,000), then six (6) monies will be paid divided 29%-24%-19%-14%- 9%-5%.

Page 89, Rule B

Submitted by: Cassie Chapman

Current Rule Reads: Rule 1 B. Steer Wrestling Only 1-4 pays 1 place (100%) 5-10 pays 2 places (60-40%) 11-16 pays 3 places (50-30- 20%) 17-25 pays 4 places (40-30- 20-10%) 26-40 pays 5 places (30-25- 20-15-10%) 90 41-70 pays 6 places (29-24- 19-14-9-5%) 71 & over pays 8 places (23- 20-17-14-11-8-5-2%)

Change to: Change to: Steer Wrestling and Cowgirls Breakaway Roping Only 1-4 pays 1 place (100%) 5-10 pays 2 places (60-40%) 11-16 pays 3 places (50-30- 20%) 17-25 pays 4 places (40-30- 20-10%) 26-40 pays 5 places (30-25- 20-15-10%) 90 41-70 pays 6 places (29-24- 19-14-9-5%) 71 & over pays 8 places (23- 20-17-14-11-8-5-2%)

If Rule 1 B passes take out Cowgirls Breakaway Roping from rule B on page 90.

Page 93, Rule 3

Submitted by: Dale Yerigan

Change to read: Rodeo Judges, Rule #3 change the second sentence to read: At rodeos adding $1,500 or more in any event, judges shall be hired from the Senior Pro Judges list and failure to do so will result in a $100 fine per judge that is not on the Senior Pro Judges list. (Explanation; the number of rodeos adding $1,000 per event has increased and it is difficult in the busiest times of the year to assign judges at all of the rodeos. It will also put the responsibility of hiring the judges on the Rodeo Management instead of on the IPRA office.)


Page 119, Rule 5

Submitted by: Dale Yerigan

Change weight limits to: Minimum weight of "180 pounds" and maximum weight of "250 pounds”.

Page 112, Rule 4

Submitted by: Dale Yerigan

Change to read: Bareback Bronc Riding, Rule #4 change to read: The contestant should attempt to have both spur rowels touching the animal, one on each side of the animal, anywhere above the break of the shoulders when the animal’s front feet touch the arena floor the first time out of the bucking chute. This is called “The Mark Out” and if the contestant fails to complete "the mark out” the judges will take that into consideration when awarding points for the Rider’s score. Judges will also take into consideration if the contestant is fouled or the animal stalls before leaving the chute, then no deductions should be made for failing to mark the animal out.

(If the above rule passes then other rules reflecting that failure to Mark the Animal Out results in a no score should be amended.) 

Page 115, Rule 4

Submitted by: Dale Yerigan

Change to read: Saddle Bronc Riding, Rule #4 change to read: The contestant should attempt to have both spur rowels touching the animal, one on each side of the animal, anywhere above the break of the shoulders when the animal’s front feet touch the arena floor the first time out of the bucking chute. This is called “The Mark Out” and if the contestant fails to complete "the mark out” the judges will take that into consideration when awarding points for the Rider’s score. Judges will also take into consideration if the contestant is fouled or the animal stalls before leaving the chute, then no deductions should be made for failing to mark the animal out.

(If the above rule passes then other rules reflecting that failure to Mark the Animal Out results in a no score should be amended.)

Page 120, Rule 7

Submitted by: Dale Yerigan

Change to read: A stopwatch will be used by the field judge. A calf must stay tied securely for three (3) seconds. Judge will start the time when the contestant completes the tie, signals for time and is clear of the calf. As soon as the judge signals that either the three (3) second inspection period is complete or that the contestant is disqualified because the calf did not stay tied for the three (3) second requirement the untie people will go to the calf immediately.

(If above rule passes then change rule #3 to reflect change also.)
Page 147, Rule 6

Submitted by: Cassie Chapman

Reads: Judges will check tie before entering box.

Change to: Change to: 6. Judges will check tie before entering box by tugging on contestants' rope. If rope is not tied off to the saddle horn at the knot end of the rope or pulled away from the saddle horn when tugged on, contestant must re-tie rope to saddle horn. 

If Rule 6 passes change Rule 6 on page 151 IFYR Rule under Cowgirls Breakaway Roping to:

Judges will check tie before entering box by tugging on contestants' rope. If rope is not tied off to the saddle horn at the knot end of the rope or pulled away from the saddle horn when tugged on, contestant must re-tie rope to saddle horn.